list of publications
peer-reviewed conference papers
Faubel, C.. (2016). Machine-machine communication without hierarchies and protocols. Paper presented at the Proceedings of xcoax 2016, conference on computation, communication, \ aesthetics and x.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{faubel2016, Author = {Faubel, Christian}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of xCoAx 2016, Conference on Computation, Communication, \ Aesthetics and X}, Date-Added = {2016-06-20 19:42:57 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2016-11-16 22:44:09 +0000}, Editor = {Mario Verdicchio and Miguel Carvalhais}, Month = {June }, Pages = {201-210}, Title = {Machine-Machine Communication without Hierarchies and Protocols}, Year = {2016}}
Faubel, C.. (2015). Zoohpraxiscope: turning the overhead projector into a cinematographic device. Paper presented at the Proceedings of xcoax 2015, conference on computation, communication, aesthetics and x.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{faubel2015a, Author = {Faubel, Christian}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of xCoAx 2015, Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X}, Date-Added = {2015-06-07 17:22:06 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2015-06-07 17:23:08 +0000}, Editor = {Mario Verdicchio and Miguel Carvalhais}, Month = {June}, Title = {ZoOHPraxiscope: Turning the Overhead Projector into a Cinematographic Device}, Year = {2015}}
Faubel, C.. (2014). Rhythm apparatus on overhead. Paper presented at the Proceedings of 14th international conference on new interfaces for musical expression.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{faubel2014b, Author = {Faubel, Christian}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of 14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, Date-Added = {2014-06-30 09:19:51 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2014-06-30 09:21:01 +0000}, Month = {June}, Title = {Rhythm Apparatus on Overhead}, Year = {2014}}
Faubel, C.. (2014). Crystal forming robots on overhead. Paper presented at the Proceedings of xcoax 2014, conference on computation, communication, aesthetics and x.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{faubel2014a, Author = {Faubel, Christian}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of xCoAx 2014, Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X}, Date-Added = {2014-06-30 09:16:54 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2014-06-30 09:19:26 +0000}, Editor = {Mario Verdicchio and Miguel Carvalhais}, Month = {June}, Title = {Crystal Forming Robots on Overhead}, Year = {2014}}
- Lomp, O., Terzic, K., Faubel, C., du Buf, J. M. H., & Schöner, G.. (accepted). Instance-based object recognition with simultaneous pose estimation using keypoint maps and neural dynamics. Paper presented at the Proc. icann 2014, hamburg, sep 2014.
[Bibtex]@conference{Lompetal2014, Author = {Oliver Lomp and Kasim Terzic and Christian Faubel and J. M. H. du Buf and Gregor Sch{\"o}ner}, Booktitle = {Proc. ICANN 2014, Hamburg, Sep 2014}, Date-Added = {2014-06-30 09:13:03 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2014-06-30 09:16:08 +0000}, Title = {Instance-based Object Recognition with Simultaneous Pose Estimation Using Keypoint Maps and Neural Dynamics}, Year = {accepted}}
Faubel, C.. (2013). Rhythm apparatus for the overhead projector – a metaphorical device. Paper presented at the Proceedings of xcoax 2013, conference on computation, communication, aesthetics and x.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{faubel2013, Author = {Faubel, Christian}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of xCoAx 2013, Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X}, Date-Added = {2013-03-19 17:31:36 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2013-09-04 21:53:01 +0000}, Editor = {Mario Verdicchio and Miguel Carvalhais}, Month = {June}, Title = {Rhythm Apparatus for the overhead projector -- a metaphorical device}, Year = {2013}}
- Berger, M., Faubel, C., Norman, J., Hock, H., & Schöner, G.. (2012). The counter-change model of motion perception: an account based on dynamic field theory. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on artificial neural networks icann 2012.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{BergerEtAl2012, Author = {Berger, Michael and Faubel, Christian and Norman, Joseph and Hock, Howard and Sch{\"o}ner, Gregor}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 2012}, Date-Added = {2013-03-19 17:22:59 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2013-03-20 21:05:51 +0000}, Editor = {Villa, AlessandroE.P. and Duch, W{\l}odzis{\l}aw and {\'E}rdi, P{\'e}ter and Masulli, Francesco and Palm, G{\"u}nther}, Journal = {Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning--ICANN 2012}, Pages = {579--586}, Publisher = {Springer}, Series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Title = {The Counter-Change Model of Motion Perception: An Account Based on Dynamic Field Theory}, Year = {2012}}
- Faubel, C., & Schöner, G.. (2011). Learning to recognize objects on the fly, dynamic neural fields in label-feature spaces. Paper presented at the Srcd 2011 biennial meeting.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{FaubelSchoner2011, Author = {Christian Faubel and Gregor Sch{\"o}ner}, Booktitle = {SRCD 2011 Biennial Meeting}, Date-Added = {2011-06-13 23:14:55 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2013-03-22 11:08:31 +0000}, Title = {Learning to Recognize Objects on the Fly, Dynamic Neural Fields in Label-Feature Spaces}, Year = {2011}}
- Zibner, S. K. U., Faubel, C., & Schöner, G.. (2011). Making a robotic scene representation accessible to feature and label queries. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the first joint ieee international conference on development and learning and on epigentic robotics, icdl-epirob.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{ZibnerFaubelSchoner2011, Author = {Zibner, Stephan K. U. and Faubel, C and Sch\"{o}ner, G}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigentic Robotics, ICDL-EPIROB}, Date-Added = {2011-06-13 23:07:53 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-06-13 23:07:53 +0200}, Title = {Making a robotic scene representation accessible to feature and label queries}, Year = {2011}}
- Faubel, C., & Schöner, G.. (2010). Learning objects on the fly – object recognition for the here and now. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the ieee international joint conference on neural networks, 2010. ijcnn 2010.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{FaubelSchoner2010, Author = {Christian Faubel and Gregor Sch{\"o}ner}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2010. IJCNN 2010}, Date-Added = {2010-09-18 12:32:44 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-09-18 12:32:44 +0200}, Title = {Learning Objects on the Fly -- Object Recognition for the Here and Now}, Year = {2010}}
- Faubel, C., & Zibner, S. K. U.. (2010). A neuro-dynamic object recognition architecture enhanced by foveal vision and a gaze control mechanism. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the ieee/irsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems iros.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{FaubelZibner2010, Author = {Christian Faubel and Stephan K. U. Zibner}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/IRSJ International Conference on intelligent Robots and Systems IROS}, Date-Added = {2010-09-06 23:30:36 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-01-26 19:21:53 +0100}, Pages = {1171--1176}, Title = {A Neuro-dynamic Object Recognition Architecture Enhanced by Foveal Vision and a Gaze Control Mechanism}, Year = {2010}}
- Iossifidis, I., Bruckhoff, C., Theis, C., Grote, C., Faubel, C., & Schöner, G.. (2002). Cora: an anthropomorphic robot assistant for human environment. Paper presented at the Proceedings 11th ieee international workshop on robot and human interactive communication.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{Iossifidis2002b, Author = {Iossifidis, I. and Bruckhoff, C. and Theis, C. and Grote, C. and Faubel, C. and Sch{\"o}ner, G.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings 11th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication}, Date-Added = {2010-09-06 23:30:36 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-09-06 23:37:11 +0200}, Pages = {392--398}, Title = {CORA: An anthropomorphic robot assistant for human environment}, Year = {2002}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
- Iossifidis, I., Theis, C., Grote, C., Faubel, C., & Schöner, G.. (2003). Anthropomorphism as a pervasive design concept for a robotic assistant. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the ieee/irsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems iros.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{Iossifidis2003a, Author = {Iossifidis, I. and Theis, C. and Grote, C. and Faubel, C. and Sch{\"o}ner, G.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/IRSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS}, Date-Added = {2010-09-06 23:30:36 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-09-06 23:33:21 +0200}, Pages = {3465--3472vol.3}, Title = {Anthropomorphism as a pervasive design concept for a robotic assistant}, Volume = {4}, Year = {2003}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}
- Zibner, S. K. U., Faubel, C., Iossifidis, I., & Schöner, G.. (2010). Scene representation for anthropomorphic robots: a dynamic neural field approach. Paper presented at the Isr / robotik 2010.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{ZibnerEtAl2010a, Author = {Stephan K. U. Zibner and Christian Faubel and Ioannis Iossifidis and Gregor {Sch{\"{o}}ner}}, Booktitle = {ISR / ROBOTIK 2010}, Date-Added = {2010-09-06 23:30:36 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-01-26 19:23:23 +0100}, Publisher = {VDE Verlag}, Title = {Scene Representation for Anthropomorphic Robots: A Dynamic Neural Field Approach}, Year = {2010}}
- Zibner, S. K. U., Faubel, C., Iossifidis, I., Schöner, G., & Spencer, J.. (2010). Scenes and tracking with dynamic neural fields: how to update a robotic scene representation. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 9th ieee 2010 international conference on development and learning (icdl’10).
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{ZibnerEtAl2010b, Author = {Stephan K. U. Zibner and Christian Faubel and Ioannis Iossifidis and Gregor Sch{\"o}ner and John Spencer}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th IEEE 2010 International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL'10)}, Date-Added = {2010-09-06 23:30:36 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-09-06 23:30:36 +0200}, Keywords = {dynamic fields, computer vision, tracking}, Month = {June}, Read = {Yes}, Title = {Scenes and Tracking with Dynamic Neural Fields: How to Update a Robotic Scene Representation}, Year = {2010}}
- Faubel, C., & Schöner, G.. (2009). A neuro-dynamic architecture for one shot learning of objects that uses both bottom-up recognition and top-down prediction. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the ieee/irsj international conference on intelligent robots and systems iros.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{FaubelSchoener2009, Author = {Christian Faubel and Gregor Sch{\"o}ner}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/IRSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS}, Date-Added = {2010-09-06 23:30:26 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-09-06 23:38:12 +0200}, Title = {A neuro-dynamic architecture for one shot learning of objects that uses both bottom-up recognition and top-down prediction}, Year = {2009}}
- Faubel, C., & Schöner, G.. (2006). Fast learning to recognize objects: dynamic fields in label-feature spaces. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 5th ieee 2006 international conference on development and learning (icdl’06).
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{FaubelSchoener2006, Author = {Christian Faubel and Gregor Sch{\"o}ner}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th IEEE 2006 International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL'06)}, Date-Added = {2010-09-06 23:30:20 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-09-06 23:30:20 +0200}, Keywords = {dynamic fields, object recognition, computer vision, learning, preshape}, Local-Url = {file://localhost/Users/faubel/Documents/neuroinf/papers/2read/faubel.pdf}, Month = {June}, Read = {Yes}, Title = {Fast learning to recognize objects: Dynamic Fields in label-feature spaces}, Year = {2006}}
Faubel, C.. (2015). ZoOHPraxiscope, re-inventing the zoopraxiscope with an overhead projector. Journal of science and technology of the arts, 7(1), 21–28.
[Bibtex]@article{faubel2015b, Author = {Faubel, Christian}, Date-Added = {2016-04-11 11:37:44 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2016-04-11 11:38:01 +0000}, Journal = {Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts}, Number = {1}, Pages = {21--28}, Title = {Zo{OHP}raxiscope, Re-Inventing the Zoopraxiscope with an Overhead Projector}, Volume = {7}, Year = {2015}}
- Zibner, S. K. U., Faubel, C., Iossifidis, I., & Gregor, S.. (2010). Scene representation based on dynamic field theory: from human to machine. Frontiers in computational neuroscience, 5.
[Bibtex]@article{ZibnerEtAl2010c, Author = {Zibner, Stephan Klaus Ulrich and Faubel, Christian and Iossifidis, Ioannis and Sch{\"o}ner Gregor}, Date-Added = {2011-06-13 23:12:18 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2013-03-20 10:58:19 +0000}, Journal = {Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience}, Number = {0}, Pages = {5}, Title = {Scene Representation Based on Dynamic Field Theory: From Human to Machine}, Year = {2010}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
- Zibner, S. K. U., Faubel, C., Iossifidis, I., & Schöner, G.. (2011). Dynamic neural fields as building blocks for a cortex-inspired architecture of robotic scene representation. Ieee transactions on autonomous mental development, 3(1), 74-91.
[Bibtex]@article{ZibnerEtAl2011, Author = {Zibner, Stephan K. U. and Faubel, Christian and Iossifidis, Ioannis and Sch\"oner, Gregor}, Date-Added = {2011-06-13 23:11:30 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2011-06-13 23:18:45 +0200}, Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development}, Month = {March}, Number = {1}, Pages = {74-91}, Title = {Dynamic Neural Fields as Building Blocks for a Cortex-Inspired Architecture of Robotic Scene Representation}, Volume = {3}, Year = {2011}}
- Faubel, C., & Schöner, G.. (2008). Learning to recognize objects on the fly: a neurally based dynamic field approach. Neural networks special issue on neuroscience and robotics, 21(4), Pages 562-576.
[Bibtex]@article{FaubelSchoener2008, Author = {Christian Faubel and Gregor Sch{\"o}ner}, Date-Added = {2010-09-06 23:30:23 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-09-06 23:30:23 +0200}, Journal = {Neural Networks Special Issue on Neuroscience and Robotics}, Keywords = {Object recognition; Computer vision; Robotics; Online learning; Human-machine interaction; Scene representation; Dynamic field theory; Binding}, Month = {May}, Number = {4}, Pages = {Pages 562-576}, Title = {Learning to recognize objects on the fly: a neurally based dynamic field approach}, Volume = {21}, Year = {2008}}
- Gregor Schöner Christian Faubel, E. B., & Dineva, E.. (2015). Dynamic thinking: a primer on dynamic field theory. In Schöner, G., & Spencer, J. (Eds.), New york, ny: oxford university press.
[Bibtex]@inbook{BichoEtal2015, Author = {Gregor Sch{\"o}ner, Christian Faubel, Estela Bicho and Evelina Dineva}, Chapter = {Embodied neural dynamics}, Date-Added = {2015-06-07 18:16:56 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2015-06-07 18:33:00 +0000}, Editor = {Gregor Sch{\"o}ner and John Spencer}, Publisher = {New York, NY: Oxford University Press}, Title = {Dynamic thinking: A primer on dynamic field theory}, Year = {2015}}
- Zibner, S. K. U., & Faubel, C.. (2015). Dynamic thinking: a primer on dynamic field theory. In Schöner, G., & Spencer, J. (Eds.), New york, ny: oxford university press.
[Bibtex]@inbook{ZibnerFaubel2015, Author = {Stephan K. U. Zibner and Christian Faubel}, Chapter = {Dynamic scene representations and autonomous robotics}, Date-Added = {2015-06-07 18:13:34 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2015-06-07 18:31:37 +0000}, Editor = {Gregor Sch{\"o}ner and John Spencer}, Publisher = {New York, NY: Oxford University Press}, Title = {Dynamic thinking: A primer on dynamic field theory}, Year = {2015}}
- Samuelson, L. K., & Faubel, C.. (2015). Dynamic thinking: a primer on dynamic field theory. In Schöner, G., & Spencer, J. (Eds.), New york, ny: oxford university press.
[Bibtex]@inbook{SamuelsonFaubel2015, Author = {Larissa K. Samuelson and Christian Faubel}, Chapter = {Grounding word learning in space and time}, Date-Added = {2015-06-07 17:41:21 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2015-06-07 17:48:33 +0000}, Editor = {Gregor Sch{\"o}ner and John Spencer}, Publisher = {New York, NY: Oxford University Press}, Title = {Dynamic thinking: A primer on dynamic field theory}, Year = {2015}}
- Iossifidis, I., Bruckhoff, C., Theis, C., Grote, C., Faubel, C., & Schöner, G.. (2004). Cooperative robot assistant (cora) for human environments. In Advances in human robot interaction (, Vol. 14/2004pp. 385-401). Springer press.
[Bibtex]@inbook{Iossifidis2004, Author = {Iossifidis, Ioannis and Bruckhoff, Carsten and Theis, Christoph and Grote, Claudia and Faubel, Christian and Sch{\"o}ner, Gregor}, Booktitle = {Advances in Human Robot Interaction}, Date-Added = {2010-09-06 23:30:36 +0200}, Date-Modified = {2010-09-06 23:30:36 +0200}, Number = {ISBN: 3-540-23211-7,}, Pages = {385-401}, Publisher = {Springer Press}, Title = {Cooperative Robot Assistant (CoRA) For Human Environments}, Url = {}, Volume = {14/2004}, Year = {2004}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {}, Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}
- dynamic field theory summerschool 2010 as tutor, iowa usa
- the fifth international cognitive vision workshop icvw 2009, st. louis usa
- tutorial dynamic field theory: conceptual and applications in the cognitive and developmental sciences, cogsci 2009 amsterdam, netherlands
- telluride neuromorphic engineering workshop 2009 as tutor and lecturer, telluride usa
- dynamic field theory summerschool 2009 as tutor, iowa usa
- from computational cognitive neuroscience to computer vision ccncv 2007 bielefeld germany
- dynamic field theory summerschool 2008 as tutor, iowa usa
- telluride neuromorphic engineering workshop 2005, telluride usa