Three Years ago, right at the beginning of the corona pandemic, I started my new job as professor in the bachelor program code & context at TH Köln. I was expected to write a teaching portfolio within the first year which I procrastinated till today. Not because I did not want to write it, but rather because I was overwhelmed by all the other tasks. Also there was no framework or fixed time slot for doing it. In spring 2023 I was lucky to be invited for giving a talk at the fantastic interdisciplinary college in Guenne. There I had the opportunity take part in a class called the the choreography of scientific writing by Birgit Peterson. This class triggered my wish to more regularly use writing as a mode of thinking, thinking through writing and writing through thinking. It turns out that writing a teaching portfolio is actually a good exercise for thinking through writing. The plan is to use my blog as outlet for this writing exercise and to reflect on my teaching from two sides: One in going back to my own experiences of a learner, how and in which situations i learned or didn’t learn and the other side of being a teacher and my observations on teaching, what i perceive as successful, what as failure, my doubts and hopes. Technically I also use this writing exercise to become more fluent in using orgmode, org2blog and emacs in general.

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July 9, 2023